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Baby Name for Boys

by Vijaya Kumar (Author) , Lotus Press (Publisher)
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The search for one\'s baby\'s name start even before he or she is born. At a time when population is being strictly controlled, the good news of a child\'s arrival is all the more welcome ??? the parents, grandmothers and fathers, cousins etc., the whole bunch is extremely enthused looking for the most suitable name, discussing suggestions from all quarters ??? and yes, buying books to provide old and new names.

Then, trends are changing in modern times. Globalisation is the order of the day and will remain so for many decades. The educated ones are tempted to name their children in the Western way, or the delightful Muslim way. There is no harm in doing so ??? if your kin agree. Modernity means expanding oneself, socially and culturally different world ??? so, give them the background for doing so by giving him or her the best possible name.

This book provides Hindu traditional names as well as those from other traditions- and will go a long to serve your purpose.
ISBN-13 8183821227
Cover Type Paperback
Language English
No. Of Pages 216
Author Vijaya Kumar
Publisher Lotus Press

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