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Communicating in Business by Karen Schneiter Williams

by Williams, Krizan, Logan, Merrier (Author) , CENGAGE (Publisher)
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The new, cutting-edge COMMUNICATING IN BUSINESS, 8e, International Edition helps take your communication skills to a higher level by combining up-to-date technology with stellar content to give you the foundations needed for success in business. Reflecting today's e-inundated marketplace, this comprehensive text covers the basics for all forms of business communication, from letters to e-mail, business plans to presentations, listening skills to nonverbal messages, diversity to teamwork, visual aids to Web blogs, interpersonal communication to twitter and everything in between.
ISBN-13 9788131516362
ISBN-10 8131516362
Cover Type Paperback
Language English
No. Of Pages 712
Author Williams, Krizan, Logan, Merrier
Publisher CENGAGE
Country India

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