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Competition Success Review Year book 2024

by SK Sachdeva (Author) , CSR (Publisher)
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Join us on a captivating voyage to the lunar surface as we explore \"India on the Moon: The Chandrayaan 3 Competition Success Review 2024.\" This book offers an in-depth look at India\'s third lunar mission, Chandrayaan 3, and its resounding success in 2024. Inside these pages, you will: Discover the genesis of India\'s lunar aspirations and how Chandrayaan 3 played a pivotal role in advancing our nation\'s space endeavors. Follow the mission\'s development, from its inception to its triumphant landing on the Moon, and gain a deeper understanding of the cutting-edge technology and scientific innovations that made it possible. Meet the brilliant minds behind Chandrayaan 3, from the dedicated scientists and engineers to the visionary leaders who spearheaded the mission. Unearth the challenges and obstacles faced during the mission\'s execution and how India\'s unwavering spirit and determination prevailed. Learn about the invaluable scientific discoveries made on the Moon\'s surface and the impact of Chandrayaan 3 on our understanding of the lunar landscape. Witness the global recognition and accolades garnered by India for this remarkable feat in space exploration. \"India on the Moon\" takes you on an exhilarating expedition, providing an in-depth review of Chandrayaan 3\'s success and its significance for India\'s space program. Whether you are a space enthusiast, a student of science, or simply curious about India\'s journey to the Moon, this book offers a comprehensive and insightful exploration of this monumental achievement. Join us in celebrating India\'s remarkable success in the Chandrayaan 3 Competition of 2024.
ISBN-13 9789384175870
ISBN-10 9384175870
Cover Type Paperback
Language English
No. Of Pages 803
Author SK Sachdeva
Publisher CSR
Country INDIA

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