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Contemporary Sociology An Introduction to Concepts and Theories By M Francis Abraham

by M Francis Abraham (Author) , Oxford University Press (Publisher)
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Contemporary Sociology is comprehensive, interdisciplinary, comparative and current. Using his vast experience as teacher and writer, M. Francis Abraham presents a contemporary textbook that goes beyond conventional themes and geographic boundaries to include: Theoretical perspectives and research methods Key concepts and theories in several branches of the discipline Relevant issues in education, economy, population, stratification, minorities, deviance, urbanization and environment. Discussions on major social institutions and organizations in terms of contemporary theoretical orientations not only in sociology but also other related social sciences Extensive coverage of contemporary social issues-electronic communities, environmental movements, sustainable development, gay rights, women and minorities, and globalization and social justice
ISBN-13 9780195683998
ISBN-10 0195683998
Cover Type Paperback
Language English
No. Of Pages 285
Author M Francis Abraham
Publisher Oxford University Press
Country India

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