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Data Structure Through C 4th Edition By Yashavant Kanetkar

by Yashavant Kanetkar (Author) , BPB Publications (Publisher)
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Product Specifications

Experience Data Structures C through animations


Key Features
● Strengthens the foundations, as detailed explanation of concepts are given
● Focuses on how to think logically to solve a problem
● Algorithms used in the book are well explained and illustrated step by step.
● Help students in understanding how data structures are implemented in programs.


There are two major hurdles faced by anybody trying to learn Data Structures:Most books attempt to teach it using algorithms rather than complete working programs. A lot is left to the imagination of the reader, instead of explaining it in detail. This is a different Data Structures book. It uses a common language like C to teach Data Structures. Secondly, it goes far beyond merely explaining how Stacks, Queues, and Linked Lists work. The readers can actually experience (rather than imagine) sorting of an array, traversing of a doubly-linked list, construction of a binary tree, etc. through carefully crafted animations that depict these processes. All these animations are available on the downloadable DVD. In addition it contains numerous carefully-crafted figures, working programs and real world scenarios where different data structures are used. This would help you understand the complicated operations being performed and different data structures easily.


What you will learn
● Analysis of Algorithms, Arrays, Linked Lists, Sparse Matrices
● Stacks, Queues, Trees, Graphs, Searching and Sorting


Who this book is for
Students, Programmers, researchers, and software developers who wish to learn the basics of Data structures.


Table of Contents
1. Analysis of Algorithms
2. Arrays
3. Linked Lists
4. Sparse Matrices
5. Stacks
6. Queues
7. Trees
8. Graphs
9. Searching and Sorting
ISBN-13 9789355511898
ISBN-10 9355511898
Cover Type Paperback
Language English
No. Of Pages 281
Author Yashavant Kanetkar
Publisher BPB Publications
Country India

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