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NEW ERA (Pitman New Era Shorthand) By Isaac Pitman

by Isaac Pitman (Author) , Pearson (Publisher)
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Shorthand is the art of representing spoken sounds by written signs. Pitman Shorthand provides a way of representing every sound heard in English words. Issac Pitman devised this system after a profound and epoch-making study of the phonetic structure of the English language. The system is a result of his scientific analysis. In Pitman Shorthand, speed and facility of writing and safety of reading are achieved by following a coherent and comprehensive scheme: each individual sound has its sign and sounds of the same family have signs with an appropriate family likeness.
ISBN-13 9788131720769
ISBN-10 8131720769
Cover Type Paperback
Language English
No. Of Pages 174
Author Isaac Pitman
Publisher Pearson
Country India

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