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Principles Of Marketing 17th Edition By Philip Kotler

by Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Prafulla Agnihotri (Author) , Pearson (Publisher)
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Principles of Marketing helps students master today’s key marketing challenge: to create vibrant, interactive communities of consumers who make products and brands a part of their daily lives. Presenting fundamental marketing information within an innovative customer-value framework, the program helps students understand how to create value and gain loyal customers. The seventeenth edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect the major trends and forces impacting marketing in this era of customer value and high-tech customer relationships. Emphasizing the great role that technology plays in contemporary marketing, it’s packed with new stories and examples illustrating how companies employ technology to gain competitive advantage–from traditional marketing all-stars such as P and G and McDonald’s to new-age digital competitors such as Apple and Google.
Features 1. The seventeenth edition adds fresh coverage in both traditional marketing areas and on fast-changing and trending topics such as customer engagement marketing, mobile and social media, IoT, Big data etc.
2. This new edition continues to build on its customer engagement framework creating direct and continuous customer involvement in shaping brands, brand conversations, brand experiences and brand community.
3. New coverage and fresh examples throughout the text address the latest customer engagement tools, practices and developments.
4. New Marketing and the Economy features at the end of each Chapter provide contemporary examples for discussion and learning.
5. The seventeenth edition continues to track fast-changing developments in marketing communications and the creation of marketing content and also provides new discussions and examples of the growth in global marketing.
6. This new edition provides 18 new end-of-Chapter company cases by which students can apply what they learn to actual company situations.
7. New and updated real-world marketing examples show concepts in action and bring key course concepts to life.

Table of Contents Part 1 Defining Marketing and the Marketing Process
1 Marketing: Creating Customer Value and Engagement
2 Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Engagement, Value and Relationships
Part 2 Understanding the Marketplace and Consumer Value
3 Analysing the Marketing Environment
4 Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer Insights
5 Consumer Markets and Buyer Behaviour
6 Business Markets and Business Buyer Behaviour
Part 3 Designing a Customer Value–Driven Strategy and Mix
7 Customer Value–Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers
8 Products, Services and Brands: Building Customer Value
9 Developing New Products and Managing the Product Life Cycle
10 Pricing: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value
11 Pricing Strategies: Additional Considerations
12 Marketing Channels: Delivering Customer Value
13 Retailing and Wholesaling
14 Engaging Consumers and Communicating Customer Value: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy
15 Advertising and Public Relations
16 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion
17 Direct, Online, Social Media and Mobile Marketing
Part 4 Extending Marketing
18 Creating Competitive Advantage
19 the Global Marketplace
20 Sustainable Marketing: Social Responsibility and Ethics.
ISBN-13 9789352865611
ISBN-10 9352865611
Cover Type Paperback
Language English
No. Of Pages 701
Author Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Prafulla Agnihotri
Publisher Pearson
Country INDIA

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