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Human Anatomy 10th Edition Vol 1 By BD Chaurasia (2024)

by B D Chaurasis (Author) , CBS Publishers & Distributors (Publisher)
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Competency-Based B D Chaurasia\'s Human Anatomy Regional and Applied Dissection and Clinical Vol - 01

Widely acclaimed as a standard textbook in view of its simple language, comprehensive coverage, lucid presentation and neatly drawn line diagrams, BD Chaurasia\'s Human Anatomy remains the most preferred textbook in India and abroad. This edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to make it extremely student-friendly.

The tenth editionhas been revised as per the latest National Medical Commission\'s guidelines for the CBME curriculum.


Salient features

★ Complete and time-tested Textbook with unparalleled quality content.
★ Simple, concise text for easy understanding.
★ 93 3D colour illustrated plates to make students understand the anatomical structures clearly.
★ 400 Simple line diagrams to make them suitable to redraw in the examinations.
★ 73 Flowcharts help with rapid revision and memorizing the facts.
 53 Tables summarize essential facts for clear understanding and retention.
★ Boxes on ossification, dissection, and facts to remember.
★ QR codes for eSmartQuiz-lead the reader to the online MCQ test of each chapter for self-assessment.

★ Free 86-page Workbook is included, which has:

1. 33 Clinicoanatomical problems to start early clinical exposure and vertical integration.
2. 100 Practice figures to prepare the students for academic examinations.
3. 230 MCQs for reinforcement of learning, assessment of comprehension, and enhancement of attention

ISBN-13 9789354669798
ISBN-10 9354669798
Cover Type Paperback
Language English
Author B D Chaurasis
Publisher CBS Publishers & Distributors
Country India

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