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Financial Statement Analysis by Charles H Gibson

by Charles H. Gibson (Author) , CENGAGE (Publisher)
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Now you can teach financial accounting from both a user's and preparer's perspective with a wealth of actual examples, cases and real financial statements found in Gibson's FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS, 13E. This effective text emphasizes the analysis and interpretation of the end result of financial reportingfinancial statements. The author focuses on the language and preparation of financial statements throughout. Students analyze real financial reports, 10Ks, proxy statements, other exhibits and cases drawn from actual companies. Nike, used as a continuing focus company throughout the text, provides the opportunity for students to become familiar with a single organization and better understand the meaning of its statements within a competitive context. In addition to a wide variety of problems, questions, cases and Web references for practice and application, students also have access to the robust Thomson ONE: Business School Editionthe same online financial analysis tool used by Wall Street professionals every day. With the book's well-organized framework for learning and emphasis on numerous industries, your students leave the course prepared for success, no matter what area of business they pursue.
ISBN-13 9788131525258
ISBN-10 8131525258
Cover Type Paperback
Language English
No. Of Pages 664
Author Charles H. Gibson
Publisher CENGAGE
Country India

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