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Introduction to C Programming By Reema Thareja

by Reema Thareja (Author) , Oxford University Press (Publisher)
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The book starts with an introduction to programming in general followed by a detailed introduction to C programming. It then delves into a complete analysis of various constructs of C such as decision control and looping statements, functions, arrays, strings, pointers, structure and union, file management, and pre-processor directives. It also provides a separate chapter on linked list detailing the various kinds of linked lists and how they are used to allocate memory dynamically.

A highly detailed pedagogical approach is followed throughout the book, which includes plenty of examples, figures, programming tips, keywords, and end-chapter exercises. These features should render the book an ideal resource for students to master and fine-tune the art of writing C programs.
ISBN-13 9780199452057
ISBN-10 0199452057
Cover Type Paperback
Language English
No. Of Pages 394
Author Reema Thareja
Publisher Oxford University Press
Country India

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