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Introduction To Physical Education Part B (Practical) Class 12 By V D Sharma

by V D Sharma (Author) , Avichal Publishing Company (Publisher)
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It gives us great pleasure to present this PRACTICAL portion of \"\"Introduction to Physical Education\"\" for class XII. This book has been strictly prepared according to the latest syllabus prescribed by the CBSE. The entire syllabus has been divided into two parts-Part A: Theory (70 marks) and Part B: Practical (30 marks). This book cmprises the Practical part, i.e. Part B. All games listed in the syllabus atheltics, football, basketball, hockey, etc. In addition, newly introduced games like rifle shooting and unified basketball have also been included in this book. record file comprising all practicals prescribed in the syllabus with their stepwise procedures and detailed onservation tables, etc. has also been given. Diagrams and sketches have been included at appropriate places to make the next comprehensible. The subject matter has been presented in a simple language to facilitate easy understanding of the students.
ISBN-13 9788177395631
ISBN-10 8177395631
Cover Type Paperback
Language English
No. Of Pages 124
Author V D Sharma
Publisher Avichal Publishing Company
Country India

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