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Selected Topics In Inorganic Chemistry For B Sc (Hons) And M Sc Students By Wahid U Malik

by Wahid U Malik (Author) , S Chand Publishing (Publisher)
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For b.Sc (hons) & m.Sc. Students table of contents: contents : structure of the atom (quantum, mechanical and wave mechanica2. Approach) 3. Extended or long form of periodic table 4. Periodic properties 5. Chemical bonding 6. Nature of covalent bond and shapes of acids molecules 7. Modern concepts of vents and bases 8. Non-aqueous sol 9. Transition elements (d-block elements) 10. Lanthanides or rare earths (4f block elements) 11. Actinides (5f-block elements) 12. Basic concepts of co-ordination chemistry 13. Nature of
ISBN-13 9788121906005
ISBN-10 8121906005
Cover Type Paperback
Language English
Author Wahid U Malik
Publisher S Chand Publishing
Country India

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