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The Thirteen Problems By Agatha Christie

by Agatha Christie (Author) , HarperCollins (Publisher)
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The Tuesday Night Club is a venue where locals challenge Miss Marple to solve recent crimes…<br /><br />One Tuesday evening a group gathers at Miss Marple’s house and the conversation turns to unsolved crimes…<br /><br />The case of the disappearing bloodstains; the thief who committed his crime twice over; the message on the death-bed of a poisoned man which read ‘heap of fish’; the strange case of the invisible will; a spiritualist who warned that ‘Blue Geranium’ meant death…<br /><br />Now pit your wits against the powers of deduction of the ‘Tuesday Night Club’.
ISBN-13 9780008196523
ISBN-10 0008196523
Cover Type Paperback
Language English
No. Of Pages 256
Author Agatha Christie
Publisher HarperCollins
Country India

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